The Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) is a program of the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) that focuses on converting public housing into a Section 8 project-based voucher subsidy. RAD allows public housing agencies, like Homes for Good, to improve the housing available to residents through rehabilitation or new development. Through this process Homes for Good will be selling 100 units with single family homes and duplexes currently in their public housing portfolio, and building two new housing developments in Eugene and Springfield.
WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?There will be a total of 100 housing units for sale and Homes for Good is dedicated to prioritizing sales to first time home buyers. The homes will be sold throughout the course of 2020 with home evaluations ranging from $240,000-$350,000.
See map below for details:

These homes will be available to the entire community and priority will be given to first time home buyers for the first 10 days. Homes for Good participants in our Public Housing and Section 8 Programs are eligible to purchase and can qualify for a referral to DevNW for Home Ownership counseling if interested. Contact your Resident Services Specialist or send an inquiry to [email protected]. See the attached Home Buying steps for more information. Those interested should begin working with a realtor.
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Anton Fraga Se habla español St. Clair Properties [email protected]WANT TO KNOW MORE ABOUT HOMEBUYING?